Respite Care Services

The devotion of families who have members with disabilities or aging loved ones in the developing stages of dementia is impressive and humbling. This kind of care requires 24/7 commitment that can wear down even the most loving, dedicated family caregivers. That’s why Honey Healthcare provides respite care services in King and Snohomish County, Washington.

We understand family members’ reluctance to accept help. Who knows your loved one better than you? How will a professional know about your loved one’s food preferences, favorite television programs, or the special-colored lipstick they insist on applying before leaving the house?

At Honey Healthcare, we get it. We’ll meet with you to develop a care plan that considers all this and the individual’s medical needs and social activities. Our respite care services can give family caregivers the confidence and peace of mind they need to take time for themselves. You can rest, recharge, and reinvigorate yourself to come back and continue your loving care with renewed energy.

Respite care for the elderly requires compassion and understanding. At Honey Healthcare, we know that seniors may be wary of “strangers” coming into their homes, making meals, and tidying up. Our home care aides and home health care nurses understand this and demonstrate the patience and compassion necessary to help your loved one feel at ease with their help.

If you’re caring for a dementia patient, the concerns about taking a break heighten. You may worry that your loved one will become agitated or even more confused when someone they aren’t used to comes to see them in their home. Our trained aides can help your loved one accept help without anxiety. Furthermore, they’re willing to take all the time necessary to gain your family member’s confidence and trust.

It’s time to admit you can’t do it all yourself, all day, every day, and still manage the obligations of your own life. You may have to take care of your kids or focus on your busy job. Don’t wait until you’re too exhausted to sort medications correctly into pillboxes or transfer your loved one from bed to wheelchair and wheelchair to toilet.

Honey Healthcare will provide in-home respite care in Snohomish and King County with dignity and respect. If you need a break and the confidence that your loved one will receive quality care in your absence, call Honey Healthcare. You’ll be happy you did.